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Paul Scherrer Institut PSI Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, Aerosol Physics Group

Paul Scherrer Institut
5232 Villigen PSI, Schweiz/Switzerland
Tel. +41 56 310 21 11
Fax. +41 56 310 21 99

E-Mail: martin.gysel@psi.ch

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Various Software Provided By Martin Gysel (Restricted Access)

The pages linked below require user authentication. Don't hesitate to contact Martin Gysel, if you would like to get access to one of these pages.

Item Description Access
LabView routines LabView routines for controlling aerosol instrumentation such as DMA, CPC, SMPS, CCNC, MFC, DPM, ...

all LAC members or on request

IGOR procedures Various IGOR procedures. all LAC members or on request
TDMAinv toolkit

IGOR procedures for TDMA data inversion.

all LAC members or on request

CCNC toolkit IGOR procedures to analyze CCNC data.

all LAC members or on request

SP2 toolkit IGOR procedures and manuals for the SP2 instrument

all LAC members or on request

SMPS inversion toolkit IGOR procedures for SMPS data inversion.

all LAC members or on request

GRIMM OPC toolkit IGOR procedures to analyze GRIMM OPC data all LAC members or on request
Gysel only Various. Gysel only

Last update: 19/09/12